Friday, April 27, 2012

Has anyone seen the emotion "joy"?

Today is April 27, 2012.  On January 3, 2012, my husband, Buddy and I found out  he has brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme stage iv in the right frontal lobe. We went to MD Anderson in Houston Texas the next day and he had surgery to remove the tumor on January 6, 2012. The surgeon, Dr. Sujit Prabhu, world renowned for his expertise in brain surgery, removed 95% of the tumor. The surgery took approximately 9 hours.  The next morning at 6 am Buddy got out of bed by himself, took a shower, shaved, got dressed and waited for Dr. Prabhu to come and tell him he could go home. Of course that did not happen. He did get to go home Monday, January 9th. He was able to do everything by himself. The swelling in the brain and around his right eye took a couple of weeks to dissipate and we went back to MD Anderson for chemo and radiation treatments. Six straight weeks, 42 days of chemo and 5 days a week of radiation, off on weekends.  It was the longest six weeks I have ever experienced.  We came home March 9th and have been home since then.  The MRI after the chemo and radiation showed an increase in the size of the tumor from 1 cm to 2 cm. We were so downcast from the news but have not given up hope that Buddy will be healed by our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.  We are seeing Dr. Jack Rodriguez in Natchez, Mississippi for further treatment, chemo drug, Temodar by mouth.  He takes it for 5 days every 28 days.  Yesterday, April 26th, Dr. Rodriguez informed us that the tumor had not grown but actually a very small .1 cm had decreased.  It is a 2 cm x 1.8 x 2.2 where it had been a 2 cm x 1.9 x 2.2 on March 29th.  We are so glad to hear this news but we are still numb.  I attribute it to tiredness because since this journey has begun we have not slept one full night. We wake in the middle of the night and usually just lay there until morning, maybe snoozing a little here and there but not going back into full sleep.  On May 10th we will start the second round of Temodar and then we will have another MRI to see what is taking place.  My heart goes out to all of the cancer patients who spend their life waiting for the next MRI to see what is happening.  This will be our life until the end of our life.  Cancer, even in remission, is always in your head because it has to be monitored all the days of your life.  My prayer is that cancer will be completely removed from everyone.  What is causing this epidemic of cancer throughout the world? Just in our little county, there are so many people and even young people who are being diagnosed with this disease.  Is it in the water or in the food or both? God only knows and I pray He lead us to live the rest of our life focusing on Him and not this disease.  Please pray for everyone that has cancer. Their lives are led by this disease and it is hard to find motivation and energy to participate in "life".  Buddy and I are in need of laughter and joy and even though we read God's Word and trust His Word, it is hard for us to be joyful.  Joy should fill our hearts all the time, no matter what is happening.  Jesus knew the whole time He was living what His end would be, but it did not steal His joy. He suffered the pain of the Cross so that we could have life. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving Your life for each of us. Help us to remember the burden you carried all the days of Your life and may we follow your example in living this life we have. Thank you for my husband, help me to encourage him and love him every minute of every hour. Please give us joy in our hearts so we can be encouragers and not complainers.  Forgive us for complaining and murmuring about what we are going through.  May we always be cheerful and full of hope because You, Lord Jesus are our Healer and our Deliverer. You are full  of compassion and always faithful. Your Word gives us Life. We are strong in You, Lord, and in Your mighty Power. Thank you for the armor which You provided for all of us which repels the attacks of the devil. The good fight of faith-believing and speaking Your Word-puts us over in the daily affairs of this life.  There is no room for defeat in us. In Jesus' Name. Hallelujah. Amen.

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